- never knows how much to tip the pedicure lady.
- never knows what will make her happy.
- wishes she did.
- thinks The Dark Knight could have been a lot shorter.
- thoroughly enjoyed Heath Ledger's performance in said movie.
- is publicly sorry that she waited until the last minute to say she couldn't go to your party with you.
- means that sincerely.
- misses NOLA every day.
- has to deal with the fact that there's someone out there that she wants to speak to that won't speak to her.
- has not dealt well with that so far.
- has done wrong by RA.
- feels alternately wronged and loved by RG.
- would much rather be a cannibal than be Amish.
- is terrified by the fact that she has never experienced writers block to this degree.
- would like to reiterate that: really terrified.
- can feel alternately very close to or estranged from her friends, the same friends, all in one day.
- hates that.
- doesn't care if people say it's disappointing--she will never tire of wanting to meet Tommy Lee.
- also feels that way about Nikki Sixx, but has never heard that it was disappointing.
- is thrilled to pieces about the arrival of her new friend Little T, who gets more freakin' great all the time.
- thinks that if she has kids, she definitely wants them to play hockey.
- thinks that hockey cures (most of) what ails you.
- has learned that there are other things except...ahem...substances that can make her feel alive.
- would be lying if she said they didn't (used to) help.
- thinks that nothing feels better than laughing until it really hurts. Pains.
- has fallen a little more in love with FG this year.
- wants next year to fall into place a little more.
- is wondering why she needs to hide behind fake FB status postings to be "naked."
- needs recommendations for the next good book to read.
- really enjoyed Slow Man.
- wants you to submit to Fat & Happy!
- wishes she could decide.
- thanks you for reading.
In reference to #29, if you find something let me know! I haven't had a good read all year.
You should read "In the Woods" it's the best book I've read all year. I can lend it to you.
And I'm glad you're loving hockey again, cap'n!
This would be mine - Melanie has visited Target 3 times in the last two days.
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